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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

2 Super Fat Blasting Weight Loss Tips!

Coming up are 2 of my all time favourite weight loss tips which guarantee to make your journey to a slimmer you easier and a heck of a lot more fun... You can fit these tips into the routine you're currently following, or shape a new one around them, have fun.

Super Fat Blasting Weight Loss Tip #1 - Drink More Water

Ok ok, not so much a super secret tip here, but its advice which is heard often and followed rarely. Drinking plenty of water helps your body flush out the toxins which you've digested and stored while eating all that junk food. With these toxins removed from your body, you'll be able to lose weight a heck of a lot faster. Did you know that fat binds these toxins, preventing them from causing your body harm, this is what causes cellulite.

I know, water has got to be the most boring drink in the world, it certainly wouldn't win any awards for best tasting beverage. If you're avoiding drinking water because of this reason, try adding some fruit flavouring, you can buy powder sachets from your local supermarket, I highly recommend the summer fruits flavour.

Super Fat Blasting Weight Loss Tip #2 - Eat Spicy Foods

Do you know what the easiest way to boost your metabolism is? Eating spicy foods.

If you want to lose weight, your metabolism plays a huge role, the higher it is - the more fat you burn, simples! Exercising is obviously the best way to boost your metabolism, but if you're in a rush and don't have the time to hit the gym today, try eating a healthy spicy meal. Your metabolism will get a kick start, allowing you to burn extra calories throughout the day, even while you sleep!

That's it, 2 fast but effective tips which (if followed) will make your weight loss journey a lot easier and hopefully more enjoyable. If you want more fat busting help from me, see the link below...

For More Related Topics Blog: Weightloss Injection

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