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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Healthy Weight Loss - Butter Or Margarine? Some Essential Facts

Butter tastes 'better' than margarine, but margarine is the healthier option. This might be a popular generalisation, but I do not believe it is true in every case.

There are a number of things it is wise to know when deciding which of these fat options to include in your healthy weight loss diet.

I certainly prefer the taste of butter to the margarine products I have tried. I do try to use little enough so that the taste does not make too much of a difference, but hot 'margarined' toast (even whole grain!) just does not do it for me!

For some years butter got a bad press. This followed the discovery that saturated fats increased the chances of heart disease. The switch to margarine was thought to be the obvious choice, until the results of further research showed that some of the ingredients used had harmful effects of their own.

This is particularly true of the trans-fats used in the manufacturing process. There is a school of medical thought which would like to have these 'bad' fats banned altogether.

As usual, the answer probably includes compromise. Do not use one to the exclusion of the other. When you want the taste, use good old butter. When the taste of the fat will be submerged, for instance in a tasty sandwich, why not use one of the alternative spreads?

I think we all accept that your healthy weight loss diet should not include excessive amounts of any fatty foods. Using the right fats at the right times can help keep your diet plans varied and interesting.

It is probably a good idea to become familiar with the list of ingredients on any packs of spread you use regularly. There is now much information available regarding recommended amounts of different fats to include.

It is always good to know just what it is that you are putting into your diet, but especially so when you are making an effort to stick to a healthy weight loss diet plan.

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